President's Message

Akbash Dogs International is fully committed to representing the Akbash Dog breed in all manners. Welcome to its web site. As you search this site, you can learn about Akbash Dogs, their history, aptitudes and rich heritage, and how to raise them. We have sections on the Akbash Dog breed, livestock guardians in general, our organization, and about our main publication and source of news, the Akbash Sentinel. As I write this message in January of 2025, we have published volume 136 of the Akbash Sentinel, a source of immense pride to me. If you are interested in heritage, training, or putting an Akbash Dog to work in your farm setting, please consider joining us. Your membership fees help us to provide education, rescue/rehoming services, and representation internationally for our noble breed. ADI is also about the people who are its members. We are known to have fun. ADI in-person meetings are called Gatherings of the Akbash Clan. We hold them from time-to-time when there is sufficient interest. We also meet on computer screens, to get to know each other remotely, to share in the successes and challenges that independent-minded dogs can bring, and to reinforce our own inner confidence in how we are taking care of our dogs. Our annual photo contest is popular as members strive for bragging rights and neat prizes.

Akbash Dogs International is currently in a building phase. We have a lot going on, and could use a few more talented people to participate in our programs. In particular, we are looking for individuals interested in learning about editing our publications, helping to maintain our electronic databases, and interfacing with rescue communities. All of these roles require communication skills, a passion for the well being of livestock protection dogs, and a willingness to devote some time to the task. If you think you might enjoy one of these roles, please contact me through this web site.

Finally, as a result of our growth within ADI, there may be errors on our part. New people are learning various roles within ADI, and we are migrating to new software programs. If you experience any problems that might result from this change, please let me know. I will address the problem, whatever its nature.

David Sims

Questions? Please use the contact link to reach me or others who can answer your questions.

Check back for updates. I will change this message frequently as new developments arise. Best wishes for you and your pooch.