Livestock guardian dogs (LGDs) have been a crucial part of farming operations for thousands of years, with nearly every region in the world having its own unique breed. However, the reduction of large farms has led to a decline in the popularity of LGDs. Fortunately, with the rise of micro farms, these guardian dogs have begun to regain their popularity. Their innate ability to protect and care for livestock makes them invaluable to farmers, and their presence is essential for the safety and well-being of the animals. As the trend towards smaller, sustainable farming practices continues to grow, so does the importance of LGDs in ensuring the success and security of these operations.

LGD Breeds


The Komondor is an ancient and relatively rare breed that traces its origins back to Hungary. The heavy white cords that make up the Komondor’s unusual coat help the dogs blend in with the sheep they guard and serve to protect against extremes of weather as well as predators.

Komondor Club of America

LGD Breeds Details


The Kuvasz is a Hungarian breed of flock guardian dog. Mention of the breed can be found in old Hungarian texts. They have historically been royal guard dogs, or guarded livestock, but have been increasingly found in homes as pets over the last seventy years.

Kuvaxz Club of America

Akbash Dogs

The Akbash, (Turkish: Akbaş) is a traditional Turkish breed or type of flock guardian dog from western Anatolia. The word akbaş means 'white head'.

Akbash Dogs International, Akbash Dog Association of America

Maremma (Maremmano Abruzzese)

The Maremmano-Abruzzese Sheepdog, also known as the Maremmano, Maremma Sheepdog, or Abruzzese Sheepdog, among other names, is an Italian breed of livestock guardian dog.

Maremma Sheepdog Club of America

Anatolian Shepherds / Kangal (Çoban Kopegi)

The Anatolian Shephard and Kangal are recognized internationally as the same breed. AKC uses the name Anatolian Shephard, while the FCI uses the name Kangal, both with the same breed number.

Anatolian Shephard Dog Club of America Kangal Dog Club of America

Great Pyrenees

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog or Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées is a French breed of livestock guardian dog; in France it is commonly called the Patou.

Great Pyrenees Club of America